Arscott, PatriciaCaleshu, ColleenKotzer, KatrinaKreykes, SarahKruisselbrink, TeresaOrland, KateRigelsky, ChristinaSmith, EmilySpoonamore, KatherineLarsen Haidle, JoyMarvin, MonicaAckerman, Michael J.Hadi, AzamMani, AryaOmmen, StevenCherny, Sara2017-07-312017-07-312016-03Arscott, P., Caleshu, C., Kotzer, K., Kreykes, S., Kruisselbrink, T., Orland, K., … Cherny, S. (2016). A Case for Inclusion of Genetic Counselors in Cardiac Care. Cardiology in Review, 24(2), 49–55. advances in genetic testing for heritable cardiac diseases have led to an increasing involvement of the genetic counselor in cardiology practice. We present a series of cases collected from a nationwide query of genetics professionals regarding issues related to cost and utilization of genetic testing. Three themes emerged across cases: (1) choosing the most appropriate genetic test, (2) choosing the best person to test, and (3) interpreting results accurately. These cases demonstrate that involvement of a genetic counselor throughout the evaluation, diagnosis, and continuing management of individuals and families with inherited cardiovascular conditions helps to promote the efficient use of healthcare dollars.en-USPublisher PolicyGenetic counselorGenetic testingCardiologyCardiomyopathyLong QT syndromeA Case for Inclusion of Genetic Counselors in Cardiac CareArticle