Van der Jeught, KevinXu, Han-ChenLi, Yu-JingLu, Xiong-BinJi, Guang2019-05-022019-05-022018-09-14Van der Jeught, K., Xu, H. C., Li, Y. J., Lu, X. B., & Ji, G. (2018). Drug resistance and new therapies in colorectal cancer. World journal of gastroenterology, 24(34), 3834–3848. doi:10.3748/wjg.v24.i34.3834 cancer (CRC) is often diagnosed at an advanced stage when tumor cell dissemination has taken place. Chemo- and targeted therapies provide only a limited increase of overall survival for these patients. The major reason for clinical outcome finds its origin in therapy resistance. Escape mechanisms to both chemo- and targeted therapy remain the main culprits. Here, we evaluate major resistant mechanisms and elaborate on potential new therapies. Amongst promising therapies is α-amanitin antibody-drug conjugate targeting hemizygous p53 loss. It becomes clear that a dynamic interaction with the tumor microenvironment exists and that this dictates therapeutic outcome. In addition, CRC displays a limited response to checkpoint inhibitors, as only a minority of patients with microsatellite instable high tumors is susceptible. In this review, we highlight new developments with clinical potentials to augment responses to checkpoint inhibitors.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesAntibody-drug conjugatesCheckpoint inhibitorsColorectal cancerImmunotherapyMicrobiomeTherapy resistanceTumor microenvironmentα-amanitinDrug resistance and new therapies in colorectal cancerArticle