Chase, AnthonyPetrenchik, TerryNickel, AllisonBrooks, EmmaFlores, JessicaLoeser, MadisonRichason, Hannah2021-11-152021-11-152021-05-05 University Purdue University IndianapolisIn this rapid systematic review, research literature was investigated to evaluate sensory and somatic interventions that aid in the recovery of interpersonal traumatic experiences. This review included the evaluation of creativity-based (art, dance, music), mindfulness, neurofeedback, and emerging therapy interventions (adventure, play, resilience, neurophysiological psychotherapy). Many individuals who have been exposed to one or more traumatic events will experience a variety of side effects or consequences that will impact the rest of their lives. Survivors often experience imbalances in their psychological as well as their physical wellbeing. These imbalances are often presented in different aspects of life as well as in various parts of the body. Yet, there is little research to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that are sensory and somatic based. The majority of our overall review indicate that there is moderate to strong evidence to support sensory and somatic based interventions used to aid in the recovery of those who have experienced an interpersonal traumatic event.en-USinterpersonal traumarecoverysensory interventionsomatic interventionmindfulnessneurofeedbackHealing the Body and Mind: Sensory and Somatic Interventions for Interpersonal Trauma