Patel, AnahliChernyak, Yelena2020-04-072020-04-072020-04Patel, A., & Chernyak, Y. (2020). The Need for Psychological Rehabilitation in Lung Transplant Recipients. Progress in Transplantation, 1526924820913510. recipients have significant psychosocial stressors due to unique posttransplant sequela that results in an increased incidence of psychopathology. Posttransplant psychological interventions, especially in lung transplant recipients, are understudied, as the focus of prior research has emphasized pretransplant interventions. However, posttransplant psychological stability affects medical outcomes. The importance of posttransplant psychological intervention is highlighted. Recommendations exist which call for attention to specific psychological domains in the posttransplant recovery period and highlight the impact of psychological rehabilitation on overall wellness and success in recovery. A novel psychological rehabilitation intervention is outlined as a response to posttransplant intervention recommendations to demonstrate implementation.en-USLung Transplant RecipientOther Transplant RecipientPsychological RehabilitationPsychosocial InterventionBehavioral Disciplines and ActivitiesEducationThe Need for Psychological Rehabilitation in Lung Transplant RecipientsArticle