Elantably, AhmedElantably, DinaAshraf, Usman2022-02-252022-02-252021-05-31Elantably, A., Elantably, D., Ashraf, U. (2021). The Effect of Remdesivir and Convalescent Plasma in Severe COVID-19 in Pregnancy. Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 8(5), 349. https://doi.org/10.23937/2378-3656/14103492378-3656https://hdl.handle.net/1805/27983There are limited data regarding treatment options for pregnant women with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, the use of convalescent plasma therapy and remdesivir in was reported to be successful in the management of a critically ill obstetric patient with novel coronavirus 2019 infectionenAttribution 4.0 United StatesCOVID-19RemdesivirpregnancyThe Effect of Remdesivir and Convalescent Plasma in Severe COVID-19 in PregnancyArticle