Cagnet, Danny2022-11-072022-11-072022-11-07Cagnet, D. (2022 November 7). Course Organization Using a Central Framework. The Digital Teaching Repository. IUPUI. DOI: 10.7912/9hmb-5f74 students develop deeper understanding, recognize patterns, and think critically is at the heart of what we do as instructors. In short, we can help organize our courses using a simple model or framework. With the use of repetition, we can improve learning and memory. I build my courses around a model and consistently draw students back to the model as we make connections and add new concepts. The model helps students connect to the current business reality and social context to create interest. The model/framework also focuses the interest on practical applications that move beyond knowledge acquisition.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalCourse DesignConceptual ModelsStudent ExperienceCourse Organization Using a Central FrameworkArticle