Indiana State Board of Health2011-01-252011-01-251904Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (2004); 6(1): 1-12.0019-6754 of mortality statistics for January 1904 p.1 / The monthly statistics furnish the following summaries for January p.1 / Tuberculosis p.2 / Typhoid fever p.2 / Pneumonia p.2 / Violence p.2 / State and municipal sanatoria in the combat of tuberculosis p.2 / Smallpox not admitted to the "blacherne" p.3 / The smallpox situation as viewed by the Indianapolis News p.3 / Wants to warm and ventilate his house properly p.3 / A public funeral was not held p.3 / Crowd poison p.3 / A layman on smallpox p.4 / The schoolhouse at Hope p.4 / Consumption and measles p.4 / An enlightened coroner p.4 ; Largo p.4 / The anti-tuberculosis exposition held under the auspices of the tuberculosis commission of Maryland in Baltimore during the week commencing January 25 1904 p.5 / Scarlet fever at Newtown p.8 / Dr. Grant's circular p.8 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases in January 1904 p.9 / Deaths in Indiana by counties p.10 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of January 1904 p.11 / Mortality of Indiana for January 1904 p.12/ Meteorological summary for January 1904 p.12Descriptive StatisticsIndianaDescriptive StatisticsAge-specific death rateCause-specific death rateInfant mortalityHomicideSuicideAccidents, RailroadAirborne DiseasesAnimal-Related DeathsAnti-Tuberculosis Exposition (Baltimore, 1904)Apartment HousesBartholomew CountyBlacherne (Apartment House)--IndianapolisBogart, G. HenriBurialBurn InjuriesCommunicable DiseasesCoronersCronin, Dr.CrowdingDiagnostic ErrorDisease PreventionDisease Transmission, Person-to-PersonDrowningEnvironment and Public HealthFood ContaminationFountain CountyFranklin CountyFuneral Homes and Funeral ServicesFurnacesGunshot WoundsHamilton CountyHandwashingHangingHealth LegislationHeatinghopeHorsesHousesHumidityHypothermiaIndianapolisLagroLoehr, Dr.Loomis SanatoriumMarshall CountyMeaslesMilkMining InjuriesMorphineNewtownOccupational AccidentsPneumoniaPoisoningPoorhousesProtective ClothingQuarantineSanatoriumsScarlet FeverSchool AttendanceSchool BuildingsSchools, Public HealthSkull FracturesSmallpoxSpit or SpittingSputumStab WoundsStrychnineTentsTuberculoid BacillusTuberculosisTuberculosis, BovineTyphoidTyphus FeverVaccinationViolenceVital StatisticsWabash CountyWallace, Lew, 1827-1905Washington Township (Blackford County)Workplace EnvironmentIndiana State Board of Health Monthly Bulletin, 1904 Vol. 6 No. 1