Dietz, TedMorris, CheyenneGomez, CeciliaMullin, HannahRapolu, SreemayiBow, BrendanSchultz, KristiVan Allen, Elizabeth J.Menard, ClaireThakur, Medhavi2024-10-082024-10-082024-10-04Dietz, T., Morris, C., Gomez, C., Mullin, H., Rapolu, S., Bow, B., Schultz, K., Van Allen, E. J., Menard, C., Thakur, M. (2024, October 4). LGBTQ+ Hoosiers: Barriers to student success. Center for Research on Inclusion and Social Policy at IU. Hoosiers rely on school systems and educators to develop safe and supportive learning environments and expose them to diverse voices. Having access to these environments is particularly important for youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or other sexual and gender identities (LGBTQ+). This population experiences increased rates of high-risk behavior1—like alcohol, drug use, and suicide—often due to feelings of isolation or exposure to bullying. Supporting professional development for educators, funding research regarding LGBTQ+ youth in Indiana, and promoting existing youth-based programs will help to meet the needs of young Hoosiers.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalLGBTQ+StudentIndianaLGBTQ+ Hoosiers: Barriers to student successReport