Saha, AnkitaTiwari, SarikaDharmarajan, SubramanianOtteson, Deborah C.Belecky-Adams, Teri L.2018-10-122018-10-122018-12Saha, A., Tiwari, S., Dharmarajan, S., Otteson, D. C., & Belecky-Adams, T. L. (2018). Class I histone deacetylases in retinal progenitors and differentiating ganglion cells. Gene Expression Patterns, 30, pp. 37-48. The acetylation state of histones has been used as an indicator of the developmental state of progenitor and differentiating cells. The goal of this study was to determine the nuclear localization patterns of Class I histone deacetylases (HDACs) in retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), as the first step in understanding their potential importance in cell fate determination within the murine retina. Results The only HDAC to label RPC nuclei at E16 and P5 was HDAC1. In contrast, there was generally increased nuclear localization of all Class I HDACs in differentiating RGCs. Between P5 and P30, SOX2 expression becomes restricted to Müller glial, cholinergic amacrine cells, and retinal astrocytes. Cholinergic amacrine showed a combination of changes in nuclear localization of Class I HDACs. Strikingly, although Müller glia and retinal astrocytes express many of the same genes, P30 Müller glial cells showed nuclear localization only of HDAC1, while retinal astrocytes were positive for HDACs 1, 2, and 3. Conclusion These results indicate there may be a role for one or more of the Class I HDACs in retinal cell type-specific differentiation.enPublisher Policyhistone deacetylasesHDACsmouseClass I histone deacetylases in retinal progenitors and differentiating ganglion cellsArticle