Flynn, Barbara B.Siegler, JanainaBradaschia, MarceloVargas, Fundacao GetulioPaulo, Sao2018-08-282018-08-282015Barbara B. Flynn, Janaina Siegler, Marcelo Bradaschia, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, and Sao Paulo. Comparative Analysis of Resilience by Supply Network Structure. (2015). research applies Kim, et al.’s (2015) supply network structure archetypes to case data related to two disruptions in three industries in Brazil. A total of seven supply networks were studied, through in-depth interviews and archival documents. The findings suggest that there may be additional supply network structures that are relevant. Centralization appears to be a function of the size of the focal firm. There was evidence of an evolution of supply network structures with focal firm size.Supply Network StructureDisruptionResilienceComparative Analysis of Resilience by Supply Network StructureArticle