Shalowitz, David I.Tucker-Edmonds, BrownsyneMarshall, Mary-FaithWhite, Amina2022-02-162022-02-162021Shalowitz, D. I., Tucker-Edmonds, B., Marshall, M.-F., & White, A. (2021). Responding to patient requests for women obstetrician-gynecologists. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, S0002937821012084. may request care from a woman obstetrician-gynecologist for various reasons, including privacy concerns, religious or cultural reasons, and in some cases, a history of abuse. They should be given the opportunity to voice their reasons for requesting a woman obstetrician-gynecologist but should not be compelled to do so. Respect for patient autonomy is a compelling reason to consider honoring a patient’s gender-based request. When a patient requests a woman obstetrician-gynecologist, efforts should be made to accommodate the request if possible. However, medical professionals and institutions are not ethically obligated to have a woman obstetrician-gynecologist on call or to make one available at all times. If it is not feasible for a woman obstetrician-gynecologist to provide care because of staffing or other system constraints or patient safety concerns, accommodation is not required, and physicians do not have an overriding responsibility to ensure that patients receive gender-concordant care. Patients have the right to decline care and may choose to seek care elsewhere if their requested healthcare provider type is not available. Institutions and medical clinics should have policies and procedures in place for managing patient requests for women obstetrician-gynecologists, and patients should be made aware of these policies preemptively. These policies and procedures should include information about whom to contact for assistance and how to document the encounter. They should also be accessible and familiar to physicians and trainees. Care should be taken to ensure that adequate educational opportunities in obstetrics and gynecology are available for all medical trainees, regardless of gender.en-USPublisher Policybioethicsmedical ethicsrequests for women obstetrician-gynecologistsResponding to patient requests for women obstetrician-gynecologistsArticle