Risam, RoopikaGuiliano, Jennifer2023-09-192023-09-192022-12-19Risam R, Guiliano J. Editors’ Note: December 2022. Reviews in Digital Humanities. 2022;III(12). doi:10.21428/3e88f64f.cafa1bedhttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/35631Welcome to the December issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities. As we wrap up our third year of Reviews, we want to thank you for your enthusiasm, participation, and support for the journal. We wouldn’t be able to run the journal without such a generous community, so we’re incredibly grateful to you. We hope you have a restful holiday and wish you a happy and healthy new year.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalAmerican soldiersWWIIAmerican Civil WarGovernors of MississippiBibSiteEditors' Note: December 2022Article