McArthur, JosephBaich, Tina2018-02-152018-02-152018-02-10McArthur, Joseph and Tina Baich. Putting Open Access into Interlibrary Loan. American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, STARS Hot Topics Discussion Group, Denver, CO, February 9-13, 2018. from presentation given at ALA Midwinter Meeting STARS Hot Topics Discussion Group, February 10, 2018.Library users want convenient, easy access to information yet libraries continue to offer a maze of discovery options that are anything but easy leading, in some cases, to an increased number of ILL requests. Even Open Access has become difficult for our users to manage with a growing number of models and numerous discovery mechanisms available. Taken together, these factors have also led to an increase in unauthorized sharing of scholarly sources, which can have a negative impact on libraries. However, there is an answer to this problem, and the Open Access Button is building it. Learn more about the discovery problem and why the Open Access Button has the potential to alleviate it and help both library users and ILL staff at the STARS Hot Topics Discussion Group.enAttribution 3.0 United StatesOpen access publishingInterlibrary loansOpen access publishingInterlibrary loansPutting Open Access into Interlibrary LoanPresentation