Filippelli, GabrielBeal, LisaRajaram, HariharAghaKouchak, AmirBalikhin, Michael A.Destouni, GeorgiaEast, AmyFaccenna, ClaudioFlorindo, FabioFrost, CarolGriffies, StephenHuber, MatthewLugaz, NoéManighetti, IsabelleMontesi, LaurentPirenne, BenoitRaymond, PeterSalous, SanaSchildgen, TaylorTrumbore, SusanWysession, MichaelXenopoulos, MargueriteZhang, Minghua2022-06-022022-06-022021-11Filippelli, G., Beal, L., Rajaram, H., AghaKouchak, A., Balikhin, M. A., Destouni, G., East, A., Faccenna, C., Florindo, F., Frost, C., Griffies, S., Huber, M., Lugaz, N., Manighetti, I., Montesi, L., Pirenne, B., Raymond, P., Salous, S., Schildgen, T., … Zhang, M. (2021). Geoscientists, Who Have Documented the Rapid and Accelerating Climate Crisis for Decades, Are Now Pleading for Immediate Collective Action. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(21), e2021GL096644. Policyclimate changeCOP26IPCC AR6Geoscientists, Who Have Documented the Rapid and Accelerating Climate Crisis for Decades, Are Now Pleading for Immediate Collective ActionArticle