Okelo, G. B. A.Otieno, L. S.Association of Kenya Physicians Scientific Conference (11th : Mar. 2007 : Eldoret, Kenya)2007-11-192007-11-192007https://hdl.handle.net/1805/1179Many developing countries, including Kenya, face many challenges in health care some of which are outlined below: 1.1Relatively High fertility Rates 1.2 High mortality from preventable diseases 1.3Changing life style such as increasing tobacco consumption and increase in non-communicable diseases 1.4New and re-emerging diseases especially viral diseases 1.5Declining life expectancy 1.6Inadequate and poorly focused and/or targeted goals in disease control 1.7Civil unrest with its implications for health services 1.8Huge burdens of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis 1.9Increasing burdens of non-communicable diseases such as Heart diseases, Cancer [such as prostate cancer, metabolic disorders like diabetes 10.0Slow pace in embracing new technology 11.0A steady rise in the socially disadvantaged groups i.e. women, children and the disabled populations whose access to reasonable health care is very limited. 12.0 Low immunization cover rate.enhealth care in developing countrieshealth care in KenyaKenya healthcareKenyapreventable diseasescivil unrest and health carelimited health carehealth care in social disadvantaged groupsDeveloping countriesMedical carePreventive health servicesKenyaDisparities in Health Care: Challenges to PhysiciansPresentation