Vuppalanchi, RajMathur, KaranPyko, MaximillianSamala, NiharikaChalasani, Naga2018-08-302018-08-302018Vuppalanchi, R., Mathur, K., Pyko, M., Samala, N., & Chalasani, N. (2018). Liver Stiffness Measurements in Patients with Non-cirrhotic Portal Hypertension – The Devil is In the Details. Hepatology, 0(ja).‐cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) is often a diagnostic challenge due to signs and symptoms of portal hypertension that overlap with cirrhosis. The etiology of NCPH is broadly classified as prehepatic, hepatic (pre‐sinusoidal and sinusoidal) and post‐hepatic.1 Some common etiologies of NCPH encountered in clinical practice include portal vein thrombosis (prehepatic) and nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) (hepatic).enPublisher Policynodular regenerative hyperplasiaportal hypertensionfibroscanLiver Stiffness Measurements in Patients with Non‐cirrhotic Portal Hypertension – The Devil is In the DetailsArticle