Anastasiadis, William A.Bazier, AshleyGilbert, ElaineSchwartzkopf, KatherineBenson, KariPerkins, Anthony J.Naramore, Sara K.2023-08-292023-08-292023Anastasiadis WA, Bazier A, Gilbert E, et al. Contributory Factors Influencing Interdisciplinary Pediatric Weight Management Program Attendance for Racially Minoritized Youth. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2023;30(2):297-309. doi:10.1007/s10880-022-09899-0 obesity is a complex medical condition associated with biopsychosocial complications that requires a multifaceted treatment approach. Historically weight management treatment has been challenging to access for racially minoritized youth. This study evaluated factors influencing treatment attendance for racially minoritized youth in a pediatric weight management program between 2018 and 2021. Medical information from 228 participants was collected, including demographics, insurance type, use of telehealth visits, measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL), distance from the weight management program, and medical history. Although participants entering the weight management program came from across the state, racially minoritized participants from the Indianapolis area were more likely to attend the program. Racially minoritized participants farther from the program were comparatively underrepresented. Relative to families from majority backgrounds, racially minoritized families had the highest public health insurance rates. Specific physical and mental health comorbidities may further increase risk. Results have important implications for pediatric weight management programs to improve access and treatment opportunities for racially minoritized and underserved populations.en-USPublisher PolicyObesityPediatricsHealthcare disparitiesWeight managementRacially minoritized youthContributory Factors Influencing Interdisciplinary Pediatric Weight Management Program Attendance for Racially Minoritized YouthArticle