School of Philanthropy, Indiana University Lilly Family2023-11-132023-11-132023-11(Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, 2023-11) Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University is one of the two reports in the second phase of the Everyday Donors of Color report series, published in November 2023. It expands previous research by the school on declining donors and explores how factors such as wealth, income, and trust may be associated with giving patterns and trends within communities of color by analyzing the Philanthropy Panel Study (PPS), a longitudinal panel study that surveys households biannually on giving behaviors, and the General Social Survey (GSS), a cross-sectional survey which provides explanatory insights about trust and people’s general social behaviors and opinions. This report’s findings shed light on philanthropy across diverse communities and prove timely due to the uncertainties caused by economic shocks and the rise of social movements advocating for equity.en-USdonors of colortrustnonprofit organizationscharitable givingThe Giving Environment: Giving Trends By Race and EthnicityReport