Connor, Ulla, 1948-2011-08-292011-08-291990Connor, Ulla Maija. "Discourse analysis and writing/reading instruction". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 11 (1990):164-180.Connor, Ulla Maija. "Discourse analysis and writing/reading instruction". August 29, 2011. Available from IUPUI ScholarWorks. article submitted to IUPUI ScholarWorks as part of the OASIS Project. Article reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Permission granted through posted policies on copyright owner's website or through direct contact with copyright owner.In the 1984 volume of the Annual review of applied linguistics, Grabe (1985) presented a comprehensive discussion of discourse analysis explaning its history, frameworks, models, taxonomies, and operationalizations. The approach of the present article complements Grabe's as a review with a more direct concern for instructional applications of discourse analysis in student reading and writing.en-USCoherenceFunctional GrammarReadingTextWritingCorpus and discourse. Research in corpus and discourseLinguistics -- ResearchDiscourse analysisCorpora (Linguistics)Linguistic analysis (Linguistics)Discourse Analysis and Writing/Reading InstructionArticle