Henninger, LaurenKlemsz, AbigailLewellen, Courtney2021-05-192021-05-192021-04-22https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25966Presented at 2021 IUSM Education DayPrior to Lead Advisors (LAs) being brought on in 2015, communication with students was done through listservs and email from multiple sources, making it challenging for students to discern the importance of advising information. In order to allow LAs time to have coaching conversations with their students, RoadMAPs were developed to cover the nuts and bolts of the advising conversation. These RoadMAPs ensure that every student receives the same information at the same time statewide which provides greater equity in advising.en-USAttribution 4.0 Internationalmedical educationcoachingmentoringacademic advisingadvising programUsing RoadMAPs to Enhance the Coaching RelationshipPoster