Kelly, Jason M.2016-01-082016-01-082009Kelly, Jason M. "Howard Zinn and the Struggle for the Microphone: History, Objectivity, and Citizenship." International Journal of Social Education, special Issue on "The Life and Work of Howard Zinn." 24.1 (2009 [2012]): 19-26.ISSN-0889-0293 year, historians in the United States attend the American Historical Association (AHA), a conference that has met annually since 1884. The AHA draws scholars from all specializations, and it is the primary organization through which the profession is represented. In 1969, the conference met at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. At the business meeting on the evening of 28 December, the radicals sought to take control of the organization. The minutes demonstrate the dangers of trusting narratives--even (or especially) those proffered as neutral accounts. They do not document the moment entirely, nor do they capture the participants' experiences of it. On the central event, the records are silent. What actually happened speaks to the issues of power, neutrality, and knowledge that were central themes in Howard Zinn's career. In those moments, Zinn, representing the Radical Historians' Caucus, sought to present a resolution to the members of the AHA. He grabbed a microphone and attempted to introduce it before the meeting's close. It denounced the twin evils of "the physical and cultural destruction of the Vietnamese people" and the "Black community at home". Before he had a chance to speak, John K. Fairbank intervened by wrestling the microphone out of Zinn's hands. The episode became known as the "Struggle for the Mike". In this article, the author talks about this episode and focuses on history of the profession, notions of objectivity, and citizenship.enCitizenshipHistoriographyHoward ZinnHistory of BritainActivismDissentHistoriansSocial ChangeHoward Zinn and the Struggle for the Microphone: History, Objectivity, and CitizenshipArticle