Yang, QiLee, AlbertBentley, R. TimothyLee, Hyowon2020-04-072020-04-072019-02-15Yang, Q., Lee, A., Bentley, R. T., & Lee, H. (2019). Piezoresistor-Embedded Multifunctional Magnetic Microactuators for Implantable Self-Clearing Catheter. IEEE sensors journal, 19(4), 1373–1378. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2018.2880576https://hdl.handle.net/1805/22496Indwelling catheters are used widely in medicine to treat various chronic medical conditions. However, chronic implantation of catheters often leads to a premature failure due to biofilm accumulation. Previously we reported on the development of a self-clearing catheter by integrating polymer-based microscale magnetic actuators. The microactuator provides an active anti-biofouling mechanism to disrupt and remove adsorbed biofilm on demand using an externally applied stimulus. During an in vivo evaluation of self-clearing catheter, we realized that it is important to periodically monitor the performance of implanted microactuators. Here we integrate gold-based piezoresistive strain-gauge on our magnetic microactuators to directly monitor the device deflection with good sensitivity (0.035%/Deg) and linear range (±30°). With the integrated strain-gauge, we demonstrate the multi-functional capabilities of our magnetic microactuators that enable device alignment, flow-rate measurement, and obstruction detection and removal towards the development of chronically implantable self-clearing smart catheter.en-USPublisher PolicyPiezoresistive sensorBiofoulingImplantable deviceMagnetic microactuatorsStrain gaugePiezoresistor-Embedded Multifunctional Magnetic Microactuators for Implantable Self-Clearing CatheterArticle