Liu, YanLi, HuiguHuang, JiaHu, XiaominZhang, YuHuang, Lihong2022-02-112022-02-112021-08Liu, Y., Li, H., Huang, J., Hu, X., Zhang, Y., & Huang, L. (2021). SrxTi1–xCoO3±δ Perovskite-like Catalysts with Enhanced Activity for Hydrogen Production. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 44(10), 1870–1876., 1521-4125 reforming (ATR) of acetic acid (HOAc) is a promising and alternative route for hydrogen production from renewable resources, but catalyst deactivation caused by cobalt metal sintering and coking is a major concern in ATR. In this work, perovskite-like catalysts of the formula SrxTi1–xCoO3±δ (x = 0, 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8) were prepared by evaporation-induced self-assembly and then evaluated in ATR for hydrogen production. The SrxTi1–xCoO3±δ catalysts exhibited high activity and stability as well as 100 % conversion of HOAc. Additionally, the Co particles with strong metal-support interaction of SrTi(Co)O3 inhibited coking and agglomeration, and showed potential for hydrogen production by the ATR process.en-USPublisher PolicyAutothermal reformingacetic acidhydrogen productioncatalystsSrxTi1–xCoO3±δ Perovskite-like Catalysts with Enhanced Activity for Hydrogen ProductionArticle