Hahn, Thomas2024-03-192024-03-192023-04-24Hahn, T. W. (2023). Community Engagement Associates Mentor Questionnaire Report. (AY 2022-2023). ScholarWorks.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/39347This report provides the results of the end-of-year questionnaire to faculty/staff mentors of students participating in the Community Engagement Associates (CEA) Scholarship Program for AY 2022-2023. The CEA program is an employment program in which community engaged faculty and staff apply for funding to employ students to provide support for courses, programs, or projects that advance the community engagement mission of IUPUI.en-USAssessmentCommunity Engagement AssociatesServiceCivic EngagementSam H. JonesCommunity Contributor2023 Community Engagement Associates Mentor Questionnaire ReportReport