Brightman, Andrew O.Fila, Nicholas D.Hess, Justin L.Kerr, Alison J.Kim, DayoungLoui, Michael C.Zoltowski, Carla B.2019-12-232019-12-232018-10Brightman, A. O., Fila, N. D., Hess, J. L., Kerr, A. J., Kim, D., Loui, M. C., & Zoltowski, C. B. (2018). Applying Phenomenography to Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Ethics in Engineering Practice. 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–5. Work-in-Progress Research paper describes (1) the contemporary research space on ethics education in engineering; (2) our long-term research plan; (3) the theoretical underpinnings of Phase 1 of our research plan (phenomenography); and (4) the design and developmental process of a phenomenographic interview protocol to explore engineers' experiences with ethics. Ethical behavior is a complex phenomenon that is complicated by the institutional and cultural contexts in which it occurs. Engineers also have varied roles and often work in a myriad of capacities that influence their experiences with and understanding of ethics in practice. We are using phenomenography, a qualitative research approach, to explore and categorize the ways engineers experience and understand ethical engineering practice. Specifically, phenomenography will allow us to systematically investigate the range and complexity of ways that engineers experience ethics in professional practice in the health products industry. Phenomenographic data will be obtained through a specialized type of semi-structured interview. Here we introduce the design of our interview protocol and its four sections: Background, Experience, Conceptual, and Summative. We also describe our iterative process for framing questions throughout each section.enPublisher PolicyinterviewsethicsprotocolsApplying Phenomenography to Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Ethics in Engineering PracticeConference proceedings