Menachemi, NirGutta, Jyotsna2020-07-162020-07-162020-03-28Menachemi, N., & Gutta, J. (2020). What is the best model for managing health care surge for COVID patients? IU Fairbanks School of Public Health. 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is projected to infect a substantial proportion of Hoosiers. Experts are forecasting the number of individuals who will become infected over time and the subset of those that will require hospitalization. Given the COVID-19 experience in other countries, many of those hospitalized will require intensive care services including mechanical ventilation. Demand for all U.S. hospital services is projected, by many computer models, to outpace supply. In preparation for this surge, the current brief report explores issues associated with approaches that could facilitate the expansion of acute care and intensive care capacity within Indiana.enCOVID-19IndianaHospitalsAlternative Care FacilitiesWhat is the best model for managing health care surge for COVID patients?