Maxson, Bronwen K.2017-01-302017-01-302016-12-01Maxson, B. (2016). Serving International Students at IUPUI University Library (vol. 28, no. 1). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Librarians Association. the summer of 2015, three librarians and two library staff members formed an International Students Working Group at IUPUI University Library. All of us have international experience and want to serve our students. Our goal is to improve the experiences of international students at the library. Throughout the following year and a half, we have formed connections across campus to facilitate professional development opportunities, participate in campus events, and create some of our own initiatives. We did not accomplish all of our goals, but we are still planning to continue our efforts.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesInternational StudentsAcademic LibrariesServing International Students at IUPUI University LibraryArticle