Macy, Katharine V.2024-03-212024-03-212024-03-22Macy, K.V. (2024, March 3) ONEAL's gambit: improving library advantage during the game. Presentation at ALI Resource Rendezvous 2024. Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. are like a game of chess. There are strategies to deploy, moves and counter moves, sometimes you make sacrifices (concessions) to improve other positions. Like playing chess, it involves developing skills and lots of practice. The ONEAL Project (Open Negotiation Education for Academic Libraries) has been developing a foundational curriculum that provides open educational resources including videos, readings, hands-on assignments to teach negotiation strategies and introduce issues in contracts and licensing. This curriculum is launching in early Spring (maybe even in time for the Resource Rendezvous), which will provide all academic libraries the opportunity to develop these skills at scale so we can work to build sustainable relationships with vendors. You will get a preview of this curriculum and learn about the next steps in the project.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalONEAL projectNegotiationAcademic LibrariesONEAL's Gambit: Improving Library Advantage During the GamePresentation