Walk, MarleneStewart, AmandaKuenzi, Kerry2019-10-222019-10-222019Walk, M., Stewart, A, & Kuenzi, K. (forthcoming). Should I stay or should I go? Investigating nonprofit sector commitment among nonprofit education alumni. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21216Graduates of nonprofit education programs have seemingly opted in to the nonprofit sector by means of their field of education, but prior research on worker sorting depicts a complex rationale for sector selection. This research study uses a sample of 153 alumni of nonprofit education programs to sort among factors influencing sector commitment. Given that these alumni have seemingly indicated a sector commitment by way of their education field, this analysis investigates factors that may disrupt sector commitment, and finds that individuals who view their work as a calling or have a nonprofit identity were associated with a commitment to working in the nonprofit sector. This study adds to the growing body of sectoral differences literature and helps inform human resource management and leadership about employee characteristics that should be prioritized for development and promotion.en-USNonprofit educationsector commitmentnonprofit identitycareer pathsShould I stay or should I go? Investigating nonprofit sector commitment among nonprofit education alumniArticle