Shabeeb, Nadine M.Plager, David A.Haggstrom, Anita N.2017-08-302017-08-302017-08Shabeeb, N. M., Plager, D. A., & Haggstrom, A. N. (2017). Peters anomaly in PHACE syndrome. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. syndrome is a rare neurocutaneous disorder, with a complex pathogenesis. It presents with a large facial hemangioma associated with anomalies of the posterior fossa of the brain, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, coarctation of the aorta, and eye anomalies. Ocular abnormalities are rare. We report the first published case of an infant with PHACE syndrome and Peters anomaly.enPublisher PolicyPHACE syndromeneurocutaneous disorderfacial hemangiomaPeters anomaly in PHACE syndromeArticle