Schubert, Peter J.van Wynsberghe, ErinnKragt Finnell, Abigail J.Salgueiro, CristianSuri, Ramaa Saket2022-01-112022-01-112020-10Schubert, P. J., van Wynsberghe, E., Kragt Finnell, A. J., Salgueiro, C., & Suri, R. S. (2020). Wireless Power Transfer to Sitallite Stratospheric Platform. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), 130–134. following topics are dealt with: artificial satellites; ionospheric electromagnetic wave propagation; Global Positioning System; satellite navigation; ionospheric techniques; radiowave propagation; space vehicle electronics; ionospheric disturbances; total electron content (atmosphere); and magnetic storms.enPublisher PolicydesignsafetySpace vehiclesWireless Power Transfer to Sitallite Stratospheric PlatformArticle