Hendrie, Hugh C.Hake, AnnLane, KathleenPurnell, ChristiannaUnverzagt, FrederickSmith-Gamble, ValerieMurrell, JillOgunniyi, AdesolaBaiyewu, OlusegunCallahan, ChrisSaykin, Andrew J.Taylor, StanleyHall, KathleenGao, Su2016-03-312016-03-312015Hendrie, H. C., Hake, A., Lane, K., Purnell, C., Unverzagt, F., Smith-Gamble, V., … Gao, S. (2015). Statin Use, Incident Dementia and Alzheimer Disease in Elderly African Americans. Ethnicity & Disease, 25(3), 345–354. http://doi.org/10.18865/ed.25.3.345https://hdl.handle.net/1805/9162OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between statin use, incident dementia, and Alzheimer disease (AD) in a prospective elderly African American cohort. DESIGN: Two stage design with a screening interview followed by a comprehensive in-home assessment conducted over an eight-year period. Diagnoses of incident AD and dementia were made by consensus. Statin use was collected at each evaluation. Measurements of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), C-reactive protein (CRP) and APOE genotype were obtained from baseline blood samples. Logistic regression models were used to test the association of statin use on incident dementia and AD and its possible association with lipid and CRP levels. SETTING: Indianapolis, Indiana. PARTICIPANTS: From an original cohort of 2629 participants, a subsample of 974 African Americans aged >70 years with normal cognition, at least one follow up evaluation, complete statin information, and biomarker availability were included. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident dementia and incident AD. RESULTS: After controlling for age at diagnosis, sex, education level, presence of the APOE ε4 allele and history of stroke for the incident dementia model, baseline use of statins was associated with a significantly decreased risk of incident dementia (OR=.44, P=.029) and incident AD (OR=.40, P=.029). The significant effect of statin use on reduced AD risk and trend for dementia risk was found only for those participants who reported consistent use over the observational period (incident AD: P=.034; incident dementia: P=.061). Additional models found no significant interaction between baseline statin use, baseline LDL, or CRP level and incident dementia/AD. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent use of statin medications during eight years of follow-up resulted in significantly reduced risk for incident AD and a trend toward reduced risk for incident dementia.en-USPublisher PolicyAfrican AmericansStatinsCholesterol, LDLDementiaRisk FactorsStatin Use, Incident Dementia and Alzheimer Disease in Elderly African AmericansArticle