El Hajj, Ihab I.Lehman, Glen A.Fogel, Evan L.Easler, Jeffrey J.Watkins, James L.Sherman, Stuart2019-01-162019-01-162017-09-28El Hajj, I. I., Lehman, G. A., Fogel, E. L., Easler, J. J., Watkins, J. L., & Sherman, S. (2017). Endoscopic retrieval of a proximally migrated biliary stent: digital cholangioscope to the rescue. VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2(12), 328-329. doi:10.1016/j.vgie.2017.07.017https://hdl.handle.net/1805/18160Endoscopic techniques for the retrieval of proximally migrated biliary stents include the following: fluoroscopy-guided grasping of the stent with a rat-tooth forceps, balloon placement parallel to the stent with traction retrieval, cannulation of the stent lumen with a wire (standard technique, or use of the curved plastic tip of a modified Soehendra stent retriever [Cook Medical, Bloomington, Ind]) followed by use of standard or modified Soehendra stent retriever, wire-guided retrieval basket, and snare. The technique used depends on the extent of proximal stent migration, the presence of ductal dilatation or biliary stricture, and the endoscopist’s experience. This report describes the retrieval of a proximally migrated biliary stent within an aberrant right hepatic duct (RHD) using a digital cholangioscope (SpyGlass DS system; Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass)en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesEndoscopic techniquesProximally migrated biliary stentAberrant right hepatic ductDigital cholangioscopeobstructive jaundiceCholecystectomyChronic calcific pancreatitisERCPStonesCommon bile ductBiliary sphincterotomySpyScope DS catheterSnareEndoscopic retrieval of a proximally migrated biliary stent: digital cholangioscope to the rescueArticle