Towers, George W.Poulsen, Joan R.Carr, Darrin L.Zoeller, AimeeTorres Bernal, AnibalCrisp, Cheryl2017-07-102017-07-102016-09-16Towers, G. W., Poulsen, J. R., Carr, D. L., Zoeller, A., Torres Bernal, A., & Crisp, C. (2016 Sep 16). Career Self-Efficacy Mentoring for Pre-Promotion Underrepresented Faculty. Poster presented at IUPUI Mentoring Academy Fall Symposium. Office of Academic Affairs, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. poster describes the progress and lessons learned as a result of newly implemented Faculty Mentoring Program at Indiana University – Purdue University Columbus.Faculty DevelopmentPromotion and TenureMentoringHigher EducationIndiana University – Purdue University ColumbusCareer Self-Efficacy Mentoring for Pre-Promotion Underrepresented FacultyPoster10.7912/C2CS8T