Rayman, Denise2024-06-102024-06-102024-04-19Rayman, Denise. (2024, April 19). Making Internships Work! A Guide to the Care and Feeding of the Profession for the Working Archivist. [conference presentation]. Society of Indiana Archivists Annual Meeting 2024.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/41357Internships are an important part of how we train the next generation of archivists, but hosting an intern can be yet another burden on the overworked archivist. In this presentation, Denise Rayman, who is the archives internship instructor for the IU Indianapolis Department of Library and Information Science and also supervises student workers at Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives, will share advice and ideas for how to make internships a great experience for both student and host. Topics will include: ethics of internships, conducting remote internships, developing meaningful work projects for interns, writing grant proposals that include internships, and how to pay interns.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalInternshipsArchival ScienceMaking Internships Work! A Guide to the Care and Feeding of the Profession for the Working ArchivistPresentation