Moser-Katz, TylerGavile, Catherine M.Barwick, Benjamin G.Lee, Kelvin P.Boise, Lawrence H.2023-10-192023-10-192022Moser-Katz T, Gavile CM, Barwick BG, Lee KP, Boise LH. PDZ Proteins SCRIB and DLG1 Regulate Myeloma Cell Surface CD86 Expression, Growth, and Survival. Mol Cancer Res. 2022;20(7):1122-1136. doi:10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-21-0681 advances in the treatment of multiple myeloma in the past decades, the disease remains incurable, and understanding signals and molecules that can control myeloma growth and survival are important for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. One such molecule, CD86, regulates multiple myeloma cell survival via its interaction with CD28 and signaling through its cytoplasmic tail. Although the CD86 cytoplasmic tail has been shown to be involved in drug resistance and can induce molecular changes in multiple myeloma cells, its function has been largely unexplored. Here, we show that CD86 cytoplasmic tail has a role in trafficking CD86 to the cell surface. This is due in part to a PDZ-binding motif at its C-terminus which is important for proper trafficking from the Golgi apparatus. BioID analysis revealed 10 PDZ domain-containing proteins proximal to CD86 cytoplasmic tail in myeloma cells. Among them, we found the planar cell polarity proteins, SCRIB and DLG1, are important for proper CD86 surface expression and the growth and survival of myeloma cells. These findings indicate a mechanism by which myeloma cells confer cellular survival and drug resistance and indicate a possible motif to target for therapeutic gain.en-USPublisher PolicyTumor suppressor proteinsCell membraneMultiple myelomaCell polarityPDZ proteins SCRIB and DLG1 regulate myeloma cell surface CD86 expression, growth, and survivalArticle