Freije, ElizabethGriswold, Andrew E.Magnabosco, Nadia E.Cooney, Elizabeth2024-06-182024-06-182021 University Purdue University IndianapolisFor capstone in the ECET department, it was expected for this group to create a houseplant advisor device. The device includes an LCD touchscreen, temperature/humidity sensor, and a light sensor. The device is expected to take a 24-hour scan of a certain area of a home. Then based off the average light, humidity, and temperature, it would recommend a plant that would do well in that specific area and display it on the touchscreen. The customer also wanted the device to have the option of logging the owned plants and to send a reminder when to water them.en-USHouseplantsPythonElectrical Engineering TechnologyComputer Engineering TechnologyHouseplant Advisor