Beverly, AlexisBaucco, ChristinaPark, SehoSchroeder, MatthewJohns, ShelleyJudge, KatherineFowler, Nicole2024-11-212024-11-212022Beverly A, Baucco C, Park S, et al. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIOECONOMIC DISADVANTAGE AND DEMENTIA CAREGIVER BURDEN. Innovation in Aging. 2022;6(Supplement_1):769. doi:10.1093/geroni/igac059.2786 than 16 million people provide unpaid care to someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD) in the United States. These caregivers frequently report experiencing psychological and physical burden. Prior research shows that socioeconomic disadvantaged neighborhoods have higher rates of ADRD, but little is known about caregiver burden. We hypothesized more socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with higher caregiver burden. We performed a secondary analysis using baseline data on dementia caregivers (n=132) enrolled in the Indiana University Telephone Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caregivers (TACTICs) pilot trials. Mean (SD) caregiver age was 61.6 (11.6) years; 83.3% women; 78.8% white; 19.7% black. Seventy-two percent of the caregivers lived with the care recipient and 50.8% reported moderate dementia severity. A linear regression model examined the relationship between caregiver’s national Area Deprivation Index (ADI) score (ranging from 1–100 with higher scores indicating greater socioeconomic disadvantage) and caregiver burden. The following covariates were included: age, sex, race, education, shared residence with care-recipient, health status, anxiety, depression, and dementia severity of care recipient. Higher ADI was associated with lower caregiver burden (β=-0.222, p < 0.001). Caregiver burden has a significant negative relationship with ADI and dementia severity (p<-.001 and 0.046, respectively) and positive relationship with anxiety (p=0.014) controlling other covariates in the model. Although we found no support for the hypothesis, further research should examine these factors with how caregiver’s ADI may impact other psychosocial wellbeing outcomes. Discussion will highlight the need for caregivers to have access to resources that can aid them through their experience.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalAlzheimer’s diseaseCaregiversPsychological burdenPhysical burdenSocioeconomic disadvantageCaregiver burdenThe Relationship Between Socioeconomic Disadvantage And Dementia Caregiver BurdenAbstract