Mallorquí-Ruscalleda, Enric2020-12-032020-12-032020Convenit Internacional 33 mai-ago 2020 Cemoroc-Feusp / IJI - Univ. do Porto my intellectual interest in the subject, and for the complexity posed by the world of gift-giving with moral aspects and the world of contract law, in this essay I will: 1) present –and comment– the definitions of the elements that come into play for the discussion –and in this order– of this subject: contract, promise, and gift; 2) I will attempt to answer the question of whether a gift can constitute a valid contract and, therefore, become enforceable; in this section, I will explore both legal and moral issues, although they are related to each other; and, finally, 3) I will offer some brief conclusions from, of course, the observations pointed out in my work.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCommon LawContract LawGiftPromiseEnforceabilityAgreements With(out) Consideration: The World of Gifts and The World of ContractsArticle