Wright, H. M.Indiana State Board of Health2014-07-252014-07-252014-07-25Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1918); 21(7): 73-88.0019-6754https://hdl.handle.net/1805/4754Births for July, 1918 p. 73 / Abstract of Mortality Statistics for July, 1918 p. 73 / Summary of Morbidity and Mortality for July, 1918 p. 78 / Health Officers Attention p. 74 / Vital Statistics and the War p. 74 / Report of Bacteriological Laboratory for July, 1918 p. 75 / Epidemics for July, 1918 p. 75 / Venereal Disease Control p. 76 / Indiana in the Nation-Wide Campaign Against Venereal Disease p. 76 / Plan of the Indiana Campaign p. 76 / Rules Requiring- the Report of Venereal Diseases p. 77 / Bureau of Venereal Diseases p. 77 / Health Ordinance Protecting Public Health from Venereal Diseases p. 77 / Sanitary Clean-Up p. 78 / Campaign of Education p. 78 / Laboratory Aid p. 78 / Duties of Health Officers p. 78 / Work or Fight p. 78 / Suggestions for State Board of Health Regulations for the Prevention of Venereal Diseases p. 79 / Letter from the Attorney-General of the United States p. 80 / Military Camps p. 81 / Federal Appropriation for Venereal Disease Work p. 82 / Rules of the State Board of Health p. 82 / Venereal Disease Removal Permit p. 82 / Questions and Answers p. 82 / Duties of Physicians p. 83 / Army Statistics of Venereal Diseases p. 83 / The Volunteer Medical Corps of the United States p. 83 / The Kansas Supreme Court p. 84 / Chart Showing Geographical Distribution of Deaths p. 85 / Table 1— Deaths and Births in Indiana by Counties p. 86 / Table 2 - Deaths and Births in Indiana by Cities p. 87 / Mortality of Indiana p. 87 / Weather Report p. 88 / Ten Commandments for Disease Prevention p. 88 / Michigan City Board of Health Supervises Health of School Children p. 88Indiana; Descriptive Statistics; Age-Specific Death Rate; Cause-Specific Death Rate; Infant Mortality Rate; Homicide; Suicide; Food Inspection; Food Analysis; Infectious Disease; Birth Certificates; Death Certificate; Wright, H. M.; Venereal Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Syphilis; Gonorrhea; Health Promotion; Health Promotion Activity; Health Policy; Sanitation; Health Legislation; Health Officers; Prostitutes; Military Hygiene; Military Personnel; Prostitution; Patient Isolation; Military Health; Sex Education; Sexual PartnersMonthly Bulletin, 1918 Vol. 21 No. 7