Spivey, ErinCrawford, JaraKaur, AmarpreetEckel, PeterMagee, LaurenGrommon, Eric2023-09-072023-09-072022-12-20Spivey, E., Crawford, J., Kaur, A., Eckel, P., Magee, L., & Grommon, E.. (2022, December 20). Shooting Trends January 2020 – December 2022 Indianapolis, Indiana.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/35429BACKGROUND As the end of 2022 draws near, there will be comparisons between this year's fatal and non-fatal shooting trends and last year's trends. These comparisons will be used to guide conversations about the performance of our systems and investments. OBJECTIVE Examine multi-year trending of fatal and non-fatal shooting incidents in Indianapolis between January 1, 2020 – December 15, 2022. KEY FINDINGS Total shootings reported in 2022 are currently down 2% in comparison to January 1-December 15 last year. 2022 is showing a 14% decrease in fatal shootings versus the same period (Jan 1-Dec 15) in 2021. From 2020 to 2021, this number rose 1%. Non-fatal shootings continue to show increases, up 4% from 2020 to 2021 and up 7% from 2021 to 2022. Historically, local media reports an average of 41% of all non-fatal shootings which occurred in Indianapolis compared to official IMPD records. As such, direct comparisons will differ from official trends. Through November 2022, 42% of all non-fatal shootings have been reported in the media. One potential causality of the 2022 increase in media reporting of non-fatal shooting data could stem from a general increase in media reporting of violent crime during election years, according to Pew Research Center. 2022 shows the lowest percentage of fatal vs. non-fatal shootings of the past 2 years while December 2022 is tied with May 2022 for the lowest monthly proportion of fatal shootingsen-USinjury preventionfirearm violenceShooting Trends January 2020 – December 2022 Indianapolis, Indiana.Report