Mazurenko, OlenaAndraka-Christou, Barbara T.Bair, Matthew J.Kara, Areeba Y.Harle, Christopher A.2020-07-292020-07-292020-06-08Mazurenko, O., Andraka-Christou, B. T., Bair, M. J., Kara, A. Y., & Harle, C. A. (2020). Clinical perspectives on hospitals’ role in the opioid epidemic. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 521., legislators, and clinicians have raised concerns that hospital-based clinicians may be incentivized to inappropriately prescribe and administer opioids when addressing pain care needs of their patients, thus potentially contributing to the ongoing opioid epidemic in the United States. Given the need to involve all healthcare settings, including hospitals, in joint efforts to curb the opioid epidemic, it is essential to understand if clinicians perceive hospitals as contributors to the problem. Therefore, we examined clinical perspectives on the role of hospitals in the opioid epidemic.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalHospitalOpiod epidemicPerceptionsClinicianClinical perspectives on hospitals’ role in the opioid epidemicArticle