Harle, Christopher A.Biviji, RizwanaVest, Joshua R.Dixon, Brian E.Cullen, Theresa2018-11-122020-11-062018-08-08https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17759http://dx.doi.org/10.7912/C2/2835Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Introduction Mobile health (mHealth) applications (apps) are increasingly accessible and popular. In 2015, over 60% of smartphone users used their phones to look up health related information. mHealth apps related to maternal and child health (MCH) are particularly prevalent and frequently used. As high as 73% pregnant women and new mothers reported the use of MCH apps, with 27% using them daily. Methods A cross-sectional sample of MCH apps was extracted from the Apple App and Google Play stores using a JavaScript Scraper program. A multivariable linear regression, and series of ordinal logistic regression assessed the relationship between MCH app characteristics and two outcomes, end users’ perceived satisfaction (star ratings), and intent to use (downloads). Next, theory-based content analysis reviewed the presence and use of behavior change techniques (BCTs) in popular MCH apps using the mHealth app taxonomy framework. Finally, a qualitative inductive analysis assessed user self-reported experiences, perceived benefits, and general feedback for MCH apps. Results Seven hundred and forty-two apps met the inclusion criteria. A large majority of MCH apps were developed by non-healthcare developers. Google Play store apps had higher user ratings; while, apps within health & fitness genre, with older updates, and no agerestrictions had fewer user ratings. Furthermore, lower priced apps, with high star ratings, in-app purchase options, and in-app advertisement presence had high downloads. And, apps belonging to medical and health & fitness genre had fewer user downloads. Content analysis revealed that popular MCH apps on an average include 7.4 behavior change techniques (BCTs) with a median of 6 BCTs. Apps developed by healthcare developers had higher BCTs present within app content. Qualitative analysis shows that consumers value apps that are low cost, with superior features, smooth technical aspects, high quality content, and easy to use. Conclusions Healthcare providers, app developers, and policymakers may benefit from a better understanding of MCH apps available in two popular app stores and may consider strategies to review and promote apps to consumers based on information accuracy and trustworthiness.en-USConsumer informaticsHealth information technologyHealth policyMaternal and child healthmHealth appsUser satisfactionEvaluating the quality of mobile health apps for maternal and child health (MCH)Dissertation