Naanyu, VioletKoros, HillaryGoodrich, SuzanneSiika, AbrahamToroitich-Ruto, CathyBateganya, MosesWools-Kaloustian, Kara2024-09-092024-09-092024-03-08Naanyu V, Koros H, Goodrich S, et al. Post-intervention perceptions on the antiretroviral therapy community group model in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. Pan Afr Med J. 2024;47:113. Published 2024 Mar 8. doi:10.11604/pamj.2024.47.113.41843 the increasing number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa has stressed already overburdened health systems. A care model utilizing community-based peer-groups (ART Co-ops) facilitated by community health workers (CHW) was implemented (2016-2018) to address these challenges. In 2018, a post-intervention study assessed perceptions of the intervention. Methods: forty participants were engaged in focus group discussions consisting of ART Co-op clients, study staff, and health care providers from Kitale HIV clinic. Data were analyzed thematically for content on the intervention, challenges, and recommendations for improvement. Results: all participants liked the intervention. However, some reported traveling long distances to attend ART Co-op meetings and experiencing stigma with ART Co-ops participation. The ART Co-op inclusion criteria were considered appropriate; however, additional outreach to deliberately include spouses living with HIV, the disabled, the poor, and HIV pregnant women was recommended. Participants liked CHW-directed quarterly group meetings which included ART distribution, adherence review, and illness identification. The inability of the CHW to provide full clinical care, inconvenient meeting venues, poor timekeeping, and non-attendance behaviors were noted as issues. Participants indicated that program continuation, regular CHW training, rotating meetings at group membersĀ“ homes, training ART Co-ops leaders to assume CHW tasks, use of pill diaries to check adherence, nutritional support, and economically empowering members through income generation projects would be beneficial. Conclusion: the intervention was viewed positively by both clinic staff and clients. They identified specific challenges and generated actionable key considerations to improve access and acceptability of the community-based model of care.en-USAttribution 4.0 United StatesCommunity-level careHIV careFocus group discussionsPeer-based careKenyaPost-intervention perceptions on the antiretroviral therapy community group model in Trans Nzoia County, KenyaArticle