Roper, Randall J.Goodlett, Charles R.2024-04-112024-04-112022Roper RJ, Goodlett CR. A new Down syndrome rat model races forward. Trends Genet. 2022;38(11):1101-1102. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2022.05.001 models of Down syndrome (DS) provide an essential resource for understanding genetic, cellular, and molecular contributions to traits associated with trisomy 21 (Ts21). Recent genetic enhancements in the development of DS models, including the new TcHSA21rat model (Kazuki et al.), have potential to transform our understanding of and potential therapies for Ts21.en-USPublisher PolicyTrisomyAnimal modelsGene dosageNeurodevelopmentGene expressionA new Down syndrome rat model races forwardArticle