Yattselev, M. L.2023-02-232023-02-232021-11Yattselev, M. L. (2021). On Multipoint Padé Approximants whose Poles Accumulate on Contours that Separate the Plane. Mathematical Notes, 110(5), 784–795. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001434621110158https://hdl.handle.net/1805/31443In this note we consider asymptotics of the multipoint Padé approximants to Cauchy integrals of analytic non-vanishing densities defined on a Jordan arc connecting -1 and 1. We allow for the situation where the (symmetric) contour attracting the poles of the approximants does separate the plane.enPublisher Policymultipoint Padé approximantsnonHermitian orthogonalitystrong asymptoticsOn Multipoint Padé Approximants whose Poles Accumulate on Contours that Separate the PlaneArticle