Gramelspacher, Mary LouGaffney, Margaret M.Galvin, Matthew R.2021-11-232021-11-232021Mary Lou Gramelspacher, Margaret M. Gaffney, & Matthew R. Galvin. (2021). ‘A’ is for … Aesara of Lucania. In Gaffney, M.M. & Galvin, M.R., eds. An Encyclopedia of Conscience. IU Conscience Project. Accessible from: of Lucana was an ancient philosopher and forerunner of moral psychology who flourished sometime between three hundred and one hundred Before the Common Era (BCE). Historians of philosophy classify Aesara of Lucania among the Late Pythagoreans (425 BCE and possibly as late as circa 100 CE), along with Phintys of Sparta and Perictione I (Waithe and Harper, 1987).en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAesara of LucaniaConscience'A' is for ... Aesara of LucaniaBook chapter