Santamaría Graff, CristinaArtiles, Alfredo J.2024-09-232024-09-232023Santamaría Graff, C., & Artiles, A. J. (2023). Engaging the intersection of language and ability differences: Toward more equitable family-centered models. In D. Nieto, K. Escamilla, E. Almanza, T. Hogan, and J. Rodríguez (Eds.), ¡Qué BUENO! A history of advocacy and care for culturally and linguistically diverse education. Velázquez Press: El Monte, CA. center this paper in Dr. Leonard Baca’s scholarship focused on bilingual special education which he and his colleagues defined as: “the use of the home language and the home culture along with English in an individually designed program of special instruction for the student in an inclusive environment” (Baca, Baca, & Valenzuela, 2004, p. 18). Using Baca et al.’s definition, we consider core ideas and features of bilingual special education to teaching emergent bilinguals with disabilities and make connections to family involvement. Family involvement in bilingual special education relies on strong family-school partnerships where “active parent and community participation in the education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students is necessary for a responsive and effective education system” (Valenzuela et al., 2004, p. 362). Through past and current scholarship involving emergent bilinguals with disabilities and their families, we demonstrate Baca’s initial vision (Baca & Cervantes, 1984) for creating equitable opportunities through two models of family involvement and their influence and continued importance in bilingual special education. Also see this description for more information about the book: special educationFamily involvementFamily-school partnershipsEngaging the Intersection of Language and Ability Differences Toward More Equitable Family-Centered ModelsBook chapter