United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations.2007-03-232007-03-232001-10-17United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations (2001). Coercive population control in China: new evidence of forced abortion and forced sterilization. Retrieved November 15, 2006, from U.S. House of Representatives House Committee on Foreign Affairs web site: http://internationalrelations.house.gov/archives/107/75761.PDFhttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/72644 pages.Full text of the Congressional hearing regarding China's population control policies of involuntary sterilization and abortion.269367 bytesapplication/pdfen-USpopulation controlinvoluntary sterilizationinvoluntary abortionBirth control.Involuntary sterilization -- China.Coercive population control in China: new evidence of forced abortion and forced sterilizationOtherPopulation Policy. 13.3.Involuntary Sterilization. 11.3.