Pierce, DavidDavies, MelissaKryder, Bryan2020-06-012020-06-012019Pierce, D., Davies, M., & Kryder, B. (2019). Innovate With Design Thinking in the Sport Management Capstone Course. Sport Management Education Journal, 13(1), 26–34. https://doi.org/10.1123/smej.2018-0018https://hdl.handle.net/1805/22886This article outlines an opportunity for sport management instructors to integrate design thinking as a pedagogical tool into their classrooms to align with the demands of today’s innovative and evolving sport industry. Design thinking enables students to become designers and to approach problems from an empathetic and creative perspective to promote innovative solutions to a wide range of problems. This article will introduce design-thinking concepts and how they align with the advancing sport management curriculum before outlining the steps required for instructors to incorporate design thinking into a sport management capstone class.enPublisher Policysport managementdesign thinkinginnovation economyInnovate With Design Thinking in the Sport Management Capstone CourseArticle